
ANAND MEMORIAL ACADEMY BILARIYAGANJ is affiliated with the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE), which is the largest educational board in the country and is duly recognized by the Department of Education, Government of U.P. Curriculum – Primary, Junior, Secondary & Senior Secondary Level ANAND MEMORIAL ACADEMY BILARIYAGANJ, is affiliated to CBSE with classes from Nursery to XII. The school follows the CBSE curriculum in Classes Nursery to XII. The Academic Curriculum for the students are based on syllabus laid down by the reputed and universally acceptable Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE), New Delhi. Over the years, the School has established a sound reputation as a provider of quality education and is recognized amongst the prestigious school of the district. The academic session of the school runs from April to March

ANAND MEMORIAL ACADEMY BILARIYAGANJ Education for Life, Excellence in Education and Commitment to a meaningful Education are of prime importance. Quality education is provided to each and every child. AMA believes that love for education should be developed for children in the initial years and conditions should be created for them to pursue a positive approach in life. A unidirectional teaching method is being increasingly substituted by a multidirectional group workshop method. Here the teacher becomes the group co-ordinator initiating work, nurturing students without the phobia of examinations and homework. Emphasis is on development of oral and written expression. Home assignments are not a carry-over of classwork but oriented towards honing individual talents.


Ist to Vth Class
English Mathematics
Hindi Social Science
Environmental Science /Science General Knowledge
Computer Sanskrit /Urdu
Art & Craft Music


VIth to VIIIth Class
English Mathematics
Hindi Social Science
Environmental Science /Science General Knowledge
Computer Sanskrit /Urdu
Art & Craft Music
Skill Subjects: -
Financial Literacy Coding


IX th to X th Class
English Language & Literature (184) Mathematics (041)
Hindi Core (002) Science (086)
Social Science (087) Information Technology (402)
Financial Marketing (805)


XIth to XIIth Class (Biology Group)
English Core (301) Hindi Core (302)
Physics (042) Chemistry (043)
Biology (044) Computer Science (083)
Physical Education (048)


XIth to XIIth Class (Maths Group)
English Core (301) Hindi Core (302)
Physics (042) Chemistry (043)
Mathematics (041) Computer Science (083)
Physical Education (048)


XIth to XIIth Class (Commerce Group)
English Core (301) Hindi Core (302)
Economics (030) Business Studies (054)
Accountancy (055) Computer Science (083)
Physical Education (048)